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Contact Centers (4)

January 31, 2023

Security Is Everyone's Responsibility

We have all heard the saying that “security is everyone's job,” but should it be?
January 18, 2023

Close More Security-Conscious BPO Customers With Continuous MFA

In 2022 more than 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches occurred, with roughly 22 billion records being exposed. The...
January 11, 2023

Agent Authentication Designed for Contact Centers

Contact center security teams are fighting an uphill battle. When it comes to multi-factor authentication, they’re...
December 12, 2022

Behavioral MFA Stops Remote Agents From Outsourcing Work

There was once a time when the idea of contact center agents working from home would cause one to laugh out loud,...
October 19, 2022

Making CCaaS Phishing-Resistant With Biometric MFA

In 2021, the Contact Center as a Service market was valued at $4.18 billion. Today that number is approaching $4.87...
September 6, 2022

Twosense Gives BPOs An Edge In RFPs

If you're in the BPO industry, you already know security's importance to your business. It should be an integral part...

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