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Twosense is a leading provider of behavioral multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions. Through its innovative technology, Twosense brings continuous authentication to organizations, eliminating the need for additional hardware or user training. By analyzing user behavior data, including keystroke timing and mouse movements, Twosense creates unique user behavior profiles, offering enhanced security and protection against phishing attacks.
May 2, 2023

Continuous MFA Is Helping Contact Centers Control Shrinkage

To BPO contact centers, every second an agent is available to spend with customers matters. Customer service is a...
April 11, 2023

Understanding the PCI DSS v4.0 Timeline

In March 2022, the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) released version 4.0 of the PCI Data Security Standards...
March 20, 2023

PCI 4.0: 3-Month Password Rotations

In contact centers, security is more important than ever before. Still, strict clean desk policies and the cost of hard...
March 13, 2023

PCI 4.0: Required 15-Minute Timeouts

With PCI v4.0 making it clear that multi-factor authentication is mandatory for everyone and all network access, it is...
March 6, 2023

PCI 4.0: MFA For Network Access

The pandemic pushed all businesses that could to a work-from-home model, and contact centers were no exception....
February 27, 2023

PCI 4.0: What You Need To Know About Requirement 8 & MFA In Contact Centers

It has been a year since PCI DSS v4.0 was officially announced, and its implementation date is just around the corner....

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